 01628 484024

FOI Requests

FOI request received on April 25th 2024

  1. Email from Councillor Heap to the Clerk requesting the adding of the agenda item concerning the Parish Meeting M132.23.c
  2. Any communications between the Town Clerk and any councillor (and vice versa) relating to
    1. The agenda item M132.23.c above,
    2. References to Parish Meeting of 8th April 2024
    3. References to Buckinghamshire Council but limited to the Parish Meeting  of 8th April 2024, the agenda item M132.23.c and,
    4. any communications referencing members of the public (whether generally or by name) and Marlow FM.
Wednesday- 17.04.2024Wednesday – 24.04.2024
Thursday – 18.o4.2024Thursday – 25.04.2024
Friday – 19.04.2024
Monday – 22.04.2024
Tuesday – 23.04.2024

FOI request received on April 16th 2024

  1. Email from Councillor Heap to the Clerk requesting the adding of the agenda item concerning the Parish Meeting M132.23.c
  2. Any communications between the Town Clerk and any councillor (and vice versa) relating to
    1. The agenda item M132.23.c above,
    2. References to Parish Meeting of 8th April 2024
    3. References to Buckinghamshire Council but limited to the Parish Meeting  of 8th April 2024, the agenda item M132.23.c and,
    4. any communications referencing members of the public (whether generally or by name) and Marlow FM.
Monday – 08.04.2024Monday – 15.04.2024
Tuesday – 09.04.2024Tuesday – 16.04.2024
Wednesday – 10.04.2024
Thursday – 11.04.2024
Friday – 12.04.2024

FOI request received on November 9th 2023

1.     Emails to/from all members listed below for the following dates, and where those members names are detailed. 

o    2023 – 14th, 15th, 17th & 20th September

o    2021 – 6th & 17th September

o    2021 – 4th, 5th, 6th, 27th & 29th October 

Cllr T AveryCllr David BrownCllr Roy Cadman
Cllr Chris FunnellCllr Carol HeapCllr Chris Hoyle
Cllr Neil MarshallCllr Natalia MityaevaCllr Richard Scott
Cllr Colleen StapleyCllr Jocelyn TownsCllr Roger Wilson

2. Emails to/from Deputy Town Clerk for 6th September 2023 – Katherine Joy

04-06.10.21 06.09.2023
06.09.202114-15.09.2023 part 1
17.09.202114-15.09.2023 part 2

FOI request received on October 20th 2023

1.     The proposal to convene the meeting on August 24th. No data held on the MTC system.

2.     The meeting agenda. No data held on the MTC system.

3.     List of councillors present, and apologies recorded. No data held on the MTC system. 

4.     Recorded meeting minutes including details of anyone that recused themselves because of potential conflict of interest. No details held on the MTC system.

5.     Any written advice sent to the Town Council from the Town Clerk about the process in responding to the planning application and advice of any statement forthcoming from the Council. Emails included, dated by month.

6.     Emails to and from the following addresses for the period of October 2021 to the present for and which contains the following words or phrases – Emails included, dated by month.



Film Studios



Robert Laycock


Oct 21_RedactedNov 21_RedactedJan 22_Redacted
Feb 22_RedactedMar 22_RedactedApr 22_Redacted
May 22_RedactedJun 22_RedactedJul 22_Redacted
Aug 22_RedactedOct 22_RedactedDec 22_Redacted
Feb 23_RedactedMar 23_RedactedApr 23_Redacted
May 23_RedactedJun 23_RedactedJul 23_Redacted
Aug 23_RedactedSep 23_RedactedOct 23_Redacted 2 compressed
Attachments_RedactedMeetings of Parish Meetings Sept 2014 (1)